16 Most Racist Cities in the United States in 2017

“Racial tensions, proliferation of hate groups, hundreds of racially motivated crimes, constantly present segregation all show that racism in America is alive and well”, Insider Monkey’s writes in its recent ranking of the most raciest cities in the United States. The list, which ranks places by the number of racially motivated crimes and segregation index, presents cities which cannot boast high racial tolerance.

Racially motivated crimes compromise half of all hate crimes in the United Sates and African Americans are the most often victims of racial offences. In some places which are included in the Insider Monkey’s list there are more than 100 racially based offences per year. Besides hate crimes, pronounced segregation is also a sign of racism in America. Majority of the most populous cities in the US are highly diverse place whose population is almost equally divided between whites, blacks and Hispanics. However these places are also highly segregated because residents of the same race cluster together so there is clear division between white, black and Hispanic neighborhoods. A racial division in space is accompanied by socio-economic differences. Cities with pronounced racial segregation have significantly higher poverty rates among African American community compared to national average. At the same time income gap between white and black families exceeds national differences between earnings of white and black households. Even in cities where African Americans represent the greatest racial group spatial and economic divisions between blacks and whites are very much present.

If you are interested to find out more about this topic, read Insider Monkey’s article 16 Most Racist Cities in the United States in 2017. There you will find number of racially based crimes and segregation index for each place, along with data about socio-economic differences between blacks and whites.


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