11 Best Unethical Life Hacks to Make Money

Most of us have, at one time or another, clicked on articles that claim to make life easier in very clever, simple ways. Even though we’re probably not going to do any of the things suggested, we are amazed at thee ingenuity of it all. Whether it’s putting pancake mix inside a ketchup bottle to avoid making a mess, using a sanitary napkin package as a wallet so no one will steal it, or turning on the seat warmer to keep the pizza hot, it is always a pleasure to browse through this beautiful ideas. However, when it comes to money, things can get a tad more complicated, and here’s why.

When it comes to money, people often have a hard time differentiating “making” from “saving” money, but the truth is they’re just one step away; all you need to do is capitalize those savings. “Life hacks”, however, still constitute a pretty gray area, especially on financial matters. This is because “saving” is not only a step away from “making”, it’s also pretty adjacent to “stealing”, which can be a problem… if you get caught. So, if you’re feeling kind of badass today, step right up and check out the 11 best unethical life hacks to make money! I promise I’ll try to keep you out of jail.


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