11 Least Polluted Countries in the World in 2018

Being aware of the rising pollution should make each and every individual take more care about the environment and their own impact on this issue. But some of the worst pollutants in the world are the industries and factories which release huge amounts of toxic and dangerous substances into the environment.

First thing that comes to minds when thinking of pollution is air pollution. They are the biggest producers of CO2 and toxic substances that go into the air and have a heavy impact on the environment and climate change. Some of the biggest air pollutants in the world are countries with huge industries such as China for example.

But air pollution is not the only problem:

We should not neglect the other kinds of pollution having the air pollution the first on the mind. Water pollution, as we have mentioned, is one of the others. Since nothing in nature occurs as a sole event, that is how water pollution is related with other kinds of pollution, for example, chemicals and pesticides used in agriculture rinse directly to the underground waters or nearby streams, which then come back as rain when all that water evaporates. Apart from this, solid waste and sewage and industrial waste discharge are also heavy pollutants. A report of Ocean Healing Index organization notices that wealthier stable countries and regions with stable governance tend to have higher scores that impact the global ocean health, meaning that they care more about their waters.

Some countries, and it seems mostly those more wealthy ones which do not have current political and poverty issues, are those most involved in conservation of environment. Their efforts include development of greener technologies and use of renewable energy. If you are interested to see which these countries are, check out the Insider Monkey’s article about 11 Least Polluted Countries in the World in 2018. But nevertheless, efforts of governments good as they are should not remain alone in solving this issue. Each one should bear in mind that reducing personal waste also helps reducing pollution problems of our planet.


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