12 Best Boarding Schools in the World in 2017

Not the most expensive, not the most exclusive, but simply the best boarding schools in the world in 2017. The  ranking isn’t based only according to the tuition fee, if that’s what you’ve been expecting. There are some things more valuable than money, and that is time.

Insider Monkey’s list of top boarding schools is based on the student teacher ratio, and you will hardly find any similar list online ranking most elite boarding schools according to the number of students and teachers available. Why is student teacher ratio so important? Simply because time and attention a tutor devotes to a student is what can make a huge difference in student’s performance and knowledge. After all, that is the main reason for sending your child to a boarding school. You wish for your offspring to get the special attention he/she deserves so as to be able to do his/her best, don’t you?

Also, taking into consideration there are slight differences in most expensive boarding schools’ excursions, accommodation and location (because they are all exquisite), this criterion seems to be the most reliable when discussing quality of such institutions.

Therefore, go ahead and get a closer look of 12 best boarding schools in the world in 2017.


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