16 Cool Things You Can Only Buy in Japan

The land of the rising sun is the dream destination for many people, and you are probably one of them if you came across this list. Of course, if you are planning a trip you will probably first think about transportation, accommodation, and SOUVENIRS.Of course, shopping for friends and family is mandatory meaning that the shopping list will be pretty long. Insider Monkey Staff compiled a very interesting list of 16 cool things you can only buy in Japan and you can find great ideas ranging from food to a bit strange and definitely unique products. The things you are less like to find online are sweets and food (not sushi of course) that are specific to certain regions in Japan. These are usually very delicate sweets with short expiration date meaning that it is hard to ship them overseas. Other products include well… pretty strange products at least for us westerners but who knows, they might be useful.

Japan is famous for products such as origami, sushi and unique Japanese knives and swords, among other things. However, some of these can be found elsewhere and nowadays it’s pretty hard to find cool things to buy in Japan that you can’t buy elsewhere. Consumer society is growing more than ever, and you can find anything your heart desires even outside the country of origin. However, it is very likely that you will have more choice if you are in Japan, in this case. Also, if you like genuine things then anything you buy in Japan will have greater value than if ordered it on Ebay or Amazon. But if you really liked some of this things, you can try and find them online.


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