16 Worst Countries for Human Trafficking in 2018

Sometimes the best sellers aren’t gadgets, books or perfumes. In these 16 worst countries for human trafficking in 2018, the best selling “merchandise” are people.

If you think this doesn’t happen in your own country, you’re most probably wrong. Where are the victims of human trafficking? They’re in the fields under the scorching sun, on dusty streets, in someone’s home as domestic servitude or purchased brides. They’re under the ground in mines, in basements or filthy rooms. People of all ages are subjects to this inhumane trade: women, children, and men. There is no age limit – everyone’s suitable. Some victims are more prone to end up in prostitution, while others are recognized as the most suitable for forced labor. There are lots of forms in which a person is exploited without any mercy, and victims come from all walks of life. The ongoing wars have proved as real catalysts when it comes to human trafficking. Also, even if your country isn’t the transit or source, sometimes they are the people who keep all this horror going. As you shall see, some famous holiday destinations owe their popularity to sex trafficking, and it wouldn’t exist without customers from abroad.

The countries listed are mostly destination, source and transit countries at the same time. The biggest accent is on the victims, i.e. the countries are listed according to the victims’ type. If the country is smuggling women, children, and men, it was ranked higher on the list. Child abuse is paid special attention. Also, while human trafficking is mostly associated with sex trafficking, it isn’t always the case. There are lots of labor camps out there, and plenty of adults and children are exploited as domestic servitude.

The list is detailed and worth reading. Take a look at the picture of today’s world in 16 worst countries for human trafficking in 2018.


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