6 Best Wines For Acid For Acid Reflux And Heartburn

Coming home from work and opening a bottle of wine can sometimes be the best thing that happens that day. But what if having a glass of wine gives you a heartburn? A great number of people experience heartburn every once in a while after they’ve had a large meal or a few glasses of wine. Even though there are many other causes of acid reflux, wine or alcohol to be more precise, is one of the major causes of heartburn.

Many people stop drinking altogether due to the unpleasant feeling they experience every time they drink wine. When it comes to wines, it is difficult to make a generalization and say which wine is worse for your acid reflux, while one research claims that red wine, in particular, is known to cause heartburn, others say that white wine is even worse than red. If you are one of those people who regret every glass of wine you have due to acid reflux, then you have probably wondered many times is there a wine that won’t cause a heartburn? I certainly have, and as all alcoholic drinks cause acid reflux, it was hard to find an answer. But I found a satisfactory explanation reading this article about best wines for acid reflux. If you are looking for answers too, then take a look at 6 Best Wines for Acid Reflux and Heartburn.


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