Top 12 Anesthesiology Residency Programs in 2018

Do you have the slightest idea how responsible it is to be an anesthesiologist? Don’t think that surgeon is the most important person in the room. A good anesthesiologist can determine the line between life and death. That’s why it’s essential to choose wisely when deciding on the best residency program. Insider Monkey is advising one of the top 12 anesthesiology residency programs in 2018.

Anesthesiology is a branch of medicine that is usually slightly neglected by the general public. Only when an incident happens does the spotlight turn to an anesthesiologist. It all comes from ignorance. If you asked a random passer-by to explain what an anesthesiologist is and what anesthesiologists do, we seriously doubt if he/she would have any other idea except mumbling something like: “He puts the people to sleep.” Surgeons get all the glory, but it is actually the anesthesiologist that’s keeping you alive during the whole process. Even if it’s a minor one, such as removing an appendix, you are at the mercy of an anesthesiologist and his management of your oxygen level and anesthetics or sedatives. His job is to monitor you closely and watches out for any changes in your state. Therefore, next time you have to undergo an operation, you should be shaking hands with the anesthesiologist, too.

Along with best residency programs for anesthesiologists, you’ll also find out the salary and job outlooks. We’ll just say the chances are good you’ll get the job the moment you graduate. For every medical school ranked, there is the tuition, salary, and location, combined with some helpful pieces of information such as the number of students, the percentage of approved financial aid, approval of research projects and so on.

Therefore, an engrossing read for all those thinking about saving people’s lives in a modest, less obvious manner. Check out top 12 anesthesiology residency programs in 2018!



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