What are colleges for health care for high school graduates without any experience?

The time between high school and college can be relaxing, but can also be used for our benefit. We can use the period before a college start to gain some experience. This experience can help you to get in the college you desire especially if you want to pursue medicine. The medical colleges have high merits and other than grades, and experience can be your key to get into a good college. If you are looking we can tell you what are colleges for health care for high school graduates without any experience.

However, it is not easy to find a job in the health care industry. For starters, the jobs are poorly paid and put a lot of burden on an employee at the beginning level. Secondly, most of the jobs have criteria to be enrolled in a medical college or should graduate from one.

Happily, that is not the case with all the jobs, some jobs in health care hire students who are done with their high schools. These jobs can be near the patients or away from them. If you are good with people and have interpersonal skills than you can be hired to calm the patients down. We have categorized the jobs in five groups -assisting in medical research, working in pharmaceutical companies, working in nursing homes or helping people as personal assistants, medical writing jobs and working in medical administration. All the jobs, only require general knowledge. These jobs not only pay you but also helps you to learn the things that you were not able to learn in High School.

Look through our list of 16 best healthcare jobs for high school with no experience to make your way towards your dream career.

In hospitals and pharmacies, the pills must be marked so that it is easy for people to find them. It is not a hard job but it requires concentration and responsibility. A special person is hired for the job and if you are lucky you can become a Medical coder and earn $37,110 annually.

If you want to work directly with patients, you can work as a nurse assistant. You will responsible for taking care of a patient, providing them with medicines, changing bed sheets. You will be paid $25,710 annually.

If you are good with calming people down, you can be a surgical assistant. It’s not confirmed you will see the surgical room but you will talk to a patient before surgery, calm them down, make sure all the details are checked. $44,330 annually can be earned.

If you still don’t find the job that you like, check out the complete list of 16 best healthcare jobs for high school graduates with no experience at Insider Monkey


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