What are the best problem-solving activities for high school students?

Starting in high school or earlier, problem-solving empowers students to apply what they’ve learned rather than simply reviewing data that they have been spooned, furnishing them with an arsenal of tools and approaches to tackle issues that may have already appeared uni-dimensional. This capacity, thus, changes the rigors of academic learning into something that is applicable at a professional level, all the while silencing the familiar “When will I ever use this?” ensemble to which teachers have become so accustomed. Regardless of whether it’s carried out by individuals or in group settings, problem-solving activities enable students to create critical skills, for example, leadership, teamwork, creativity, persistence, and incremental change through repetition. If you are looking for some problem-solving activities for high schools kids then you need to know what are the best problem-solving activities for high school students.


In addition to finding new, helpful techniques with which to handle problems, students that are immersed in problem-solving attempts learn effective ways to display their findings once all is said and done, providing them with important written and oral abilities notwithstanding those incorporated into the previously mentioned list. So, when teachers give students problems and task them with finding an answer, teachers can guarantee that their students are set up for challenges that they will experience after graduation. We scanned the web searching for the best problem-solving games and took the suggestions from different sources, for example, Concordia, and Stanford to name a few. Here is a list of 10 problem-solving activities for high school students to enable them to sharpen their skills.


Protto: Problem Lotto is played individually, or with partners, this competitive game involves creative thinking and teaches students that problems often have more than one solution and that sometimes one solution can be used for more multiple problems.


Brainstorm Bonanza is applicable across all academic disciplines and is a great way to help students further develop their understanding of a particular topic. For example, if a literature class is discussing a book, which was not a resounding success, or was poorly-received by readers, students may brainstorm ways that the author could have created a more effective piece. The brainstorming process can take place individually or in groups, using paper or a whiteboard.


If you like this list you’ll surely love our more extended version of this list of 10 problems solving activities for high school students.Do read the full article on Inside Monkey. Also, do read our other articles, you’ll love those as much as we love writing them for you!


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