What are the hardest and easiest concentrations at Harvard?

If you are wondering what are the 10 hardest and easiest concentration at Harvard, then you are at the right place. With its students like Mark Zuckerberg, Elle Woods and Matt Damon, Harvard is so much more than just college. Harvard had become more of a symbol and sign for intellects who are bound to do great things in the work. It is not just the best, it is best of the best. Harvard Alums come out and lead various industries in America.

The question is that if Harvard is the best, does it also mean that it is the most difficult one According to some of the alums different classes have different levels of difficulty. According to them students of humanities studies had it easy whereas math and science students had to struggle for their grades

So the hardest courses in Harvard included Social Studies 10. It was the only humanity course that was considered to be difficult. Students would have huge reading assignments and write giant stacks of essays. Another hard course was Physics 16 which was named Mechanics and Special Relativity. While the library was always filled with Science students crouched over their works, most of them were taking this particular course. This was a very difficult course to get through and always required a lot of extra effort. Some of the problems assigned are so tough that several people have to work together to solve them. Math 55a which is named Honors Abstract Algebra is another particularly hard subject that scares most of the students. Many alums recall this course to be the ‘hardest undergraduate math course in America’. According to the campus newspaper, the students work 25 to 60 hours a week to solve problem sets.

Harvard is not only about difficult courses. There are some pretty easy courses as well. The Visual and Environmental Studies 71. Like any other film courses, this is a very easy one and most of the assignments include watching movies and talking about them. Another easy course is Folklore and Mythology 106 which is also called Witchcraft and charm magic. This course is not always available and the course description states that the students will take a look at witchcraft from the literary and cross-cultural perspective. Students looking for easy courses can also go for Psychology 950 which is taught by a very fun teacher.

If you are looking for more courses that Harvard students find difficult or easy check out Insider Monkey’s list of 10 easiest and hardest concentrations at Harvard.

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