Author Archives: Sieni Kimalainen

11 Biggest Iron Ore Producers in the World in the 2017

Iron is one of the most needed metals in industry today, since steel production depends on it very much and the biggest economic forces such as China or USA are demand huge amounts of of this metal. These countries are also the ones that import the most of iron by percentage: 94% of the whole

15 Cheapest Countries to Study Medicine in English

Studying abroad is a great decision in students’ lives. Apart from having to accommodate to the new environment, they also have to learn new languages as well. That is why being able to study in English (as one of the most world widely spoken language) makes things much easier. First, of course there is a

15 Cities with the Cleanest Tap Water in the US in 2017

  Tap water can contain many substances that are harmful for human health. Many of those can cause serious health issues including all kinds of cancers as well. Some of those harmful contaminants include: aluminum, lead, chloroform, chromium, dibromochloromethane, chlorate etc. just to name some. Some of these contaminants come from the water purifying process, while

21 Countries with the Purest Tap Water in the World

Water is one of the most precious elements and one of the basic things in the world and all living creatures depend on it. Apart from the Sun energy, water is the most important source we have on our planet. Even though it is fairly well known fact, huge amount of water resources are nowadays

15 Countries with the Most Militarized, Heavily Guarded and Secure Borders in the World

Probably what most people think of when it comes about most militarized zones is the Middle East. That is actually partly true, but political struggles and turmoil happens in many parts of the world. Military conflicts are therefore very common along the borderlines. For example, there is a decades old issue of Kashmir, and the

Top 10 Countries that Have the Most Blondes and Blue Eyes as a Percentage of Population

The statistics show that around 8% of world’s population has blue eyes and blond hair. Having in mind how huge the Earth’s population is that is not a huge number. So, why is that the case? According to some scientific researches, blue eyes and blond hair appeared in those parts of the world where the

Top 8 Most Profitable Specialty Plants to Grow in a Greenhouse

Growing your own veggies and cultivating organic crops is always a great idea and urban gardening has become more popular lately. But, if considering setting up a greenhouse, you might turn your crops into cash also. Of course, when starting a big greenhouse business the primary goal is the profit. Since some crops are not
